Boy oh boy! Not content with Donald Trump taking us all back to the days of the Third Reich, the Christian Nationalists have now raised their heads and their ambitions to try get us all back to the good old days. You remember the good old days, burning heretics, great torture implements to make people who disagree with you shut up, crusades, women in the closet with heads covered, regular stonings for extra-marital sex and sodomy and all in the name of the Lord. The leaders would be allowed multiple partners as per Solomon in all his glory of course. It says all this in the Bible so it must be true. Can't wait. The Christian Taliban in Congress. And none of that Jesus propaganda forgiving sinners, turning the other cheek, loving thy neighbor, picking up beaten up beggars at the side of the road. None of that nonsense. Nope, get back to some discipline, Bible studies in schools, getting rid of bad books, making sure women stay out of church when they have their periods, circumcision for everyone, and fish on Fridays. It's important to convert everyone to Christianity... particularly the Jews, and the Muslims. Once Christian Nationalists achieve power they can introduce laws to achieve all this just like they did in the past. Can't wait.