Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


If communism is about control and forcing citizens to conform to the state, Arizona and some other other Republican-controlled legislatures in the US could be described as behaving like communists. The laws they are trying to pass in the legislature seek to deprive Arizonans of the right to make decisions over their own lives. They are making serious efforts to try to control who votes. They want to control women's bodies to deprive them of the right to decide to give birth or not. They even want to control what some people wear. If you're born a man and dress like a woman it's off to prison if a child sees you. Like good communists they want to ban any books they don't like and control what kids are taught in school. Teaching history must be carefully controlled so children learn the "correct" version of history. Perhaps they will legislate that only members of the Republican party will be allowed to teach or work in government. Interesting how some Republicans want to withdraw support for Ukraine which is fighting communism. When will Republicans fully recognize that Russia, China, North Korea are not America's friends and hate the idea of individual freedom which we cherish.