Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Oh dear! Oh dear! Some of the lords of the banking industry, through no fault of their own of course, have been lending money to people wanting to make quick profits from internet start-ups, just like those other start-ups. Remember the dot-com fiasco? And now they have lost their money but like good Republicans they run with their begging bowls to? Guess Who? The government.... us suckers, the tax payers. "Help rescue us please," goes up their wail. "You will? Thank you. Thank you. That will be $40 billion of taxpayer money. Now we can pay our bills. and make profits again. We've learned from this experience. We all have such big mortgages to fund and our cars are very expensive to run and that doesn't include our alimony costs." "Dear failed banks, Of course. We understand. Don't worry. To pay for it all, we will reduce child care payments to single mothers, abolish free school lunches, reduce medicare, social security, get rid of woke teachers and defund education. Where would we be without the entrepreneurial spirit of good capitalists?" Thank goodness for loyal rich Republicans and our banking industry. And Thank goodness we all have short memories. What election?