If you accept Einstein's definition of insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results" the Israeli government surely takes this year's prize. Invade and take over territory by force, claim it as your own by historic right, annihilate resistance by force of any original population. If that population continues to resist and fight back, kill them or herd them into reservations or prison camps, destroy their religious sites and promote the idea that their deaths are not significant because they are savages and subhuman. If they do fight back, destroy their homes. Invite your own people to settle and build houses in the conquered territory and give them citizenship rights but not the original population. Whether you call it Palestine, Israel, the Wild West, Ukraine, Australia, Uigyur, The Scottish Highlands, the results are usually the same: anger and death handed down from generation to generation. The problems never go away until people learn to make peace and treat those who have been hurt and discriminated against with respect. Israel is sowing the seeds yet again for more war in the future. Might will never be right.