I hate to be the bearer of bad news to earnest Republican politicians manning the ramparts against sexual references in school literature in hopes of preserving the innocence and purity of children, but if you have an adolescent between 8 and 12, the horse has likely already left the stable. If your kids have any curiosity, which is a vital and necessary avenue to learning, Pornhub and other channels as well as his or her school pals will have opened up new avenues of understanding about sex. Personally I would prefer they learned from a responsible teacher and at the appropriate time in their lives. Parents always believe their children are too innocent to know what's going on but if you think back to your own childhood and what and when you learned about the fascinating world of what men and women get up to in private, it's a gradual process of understanding. Sex is actually quite fun and normal and there's nothing wrong with it. It gets us all here after all. Given the modern climate of harassing educators and defunding the system there's a much greater danger of turning out ignorant students who, as adults, cannot distinguish truth from fiction.