Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Long Term Israeli Goals (11/10)

Some of Phil Boas' opinions re the events in the Middle East lack context particularly with reference to Likud's longterm goals. The horrors inflicted by both sides on civilians are unacceptable and cruel. The slaughter of innocents can never be justified. Certain questions, however, remain unanswered. How did Hamas manage to build networks of tunnels, store arms, ammunition, gliders, rockets, supplies and train under the noses of Israel's sophisticated monitoring system. Mossad is the most highly financed spy organization in the ME. They will have Hamas operatives. Gaza is a virtual prison camp and its land and sea borders are fenced and patrolled. Israel must have known this attack was coming. The strike by Hamas provides Israel another opportunity to justify occupation and the undermining of the rights of the Palestinians and to continue occupying and settling the West Bank. Likud's stated long term goal is to separate Gaza from the West Bank which is what Netanyahu is doing now. The Israeli dream of a Greater Judea does not include Palestine. This is another step. It may take a few hundred years. Netanyahu is a wily experienced politician well capable of playing the US.