How comforting to feel the winds of political change blowing through the Halls of Congress. The foxes are back in charge of the hen coop. Good decision. Forget good governance or protecting democracy or making the country a better, fairer place for all to work and live in. Now we can face up to the important decisions, like protecting the rich from having to pay taxes. Not difficult! Just underfund the IRS. Then put some of the foxes, men of highly dubious moral character, (what's a rape or two between friends) who were involved in supporting Trump trying to tear down Congress, back in positions of responsibility. These men and women are skilled in the arts of lying, calumny, bearing false witness, obfuscation, and will fight for all the values Republicans hold dear to their hearts like profit, lots of it for the party and for themselves. The foxes know that virtue, goodness of spirit, generosity and honesty are outdated obsolete values relevant only to crazy idealists and leftist sympathizers and can get you fired. Compassion doesn't win votes. We don't need a better society, we need a richer society and more stuff particularly for those who vote Republican. Who cares about climate, or education, or fiscal responsibility when you are Making America Great Again?