Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

No More Right-Leaning Speakers at ASU (8/04)

Reports in the AZ Republic criticizing the ASU's Faculty's ban on inviting right leaning speakers to address students at ASU ignores the new reality of social media. How dare "left leaning" universities restrict first amendment rights? Universities are meant to encourage free speech and the rights of the individual. Social media, however, has changed that playing field. That so many right leaning organizations promote their ideas on endless streaming channels, grifting money and support from the unwary or naive, is the new reality. Many right wing commentators wrap their ideas in Christian patriotism or anti-immigrant rhetoric. Misogynistic rants, thinly veiled anti-semitism, "fascism-lite" have taken the place of reasoned argument. ASU is a publicly funded university devoted to the ideals of scholarship and the pursuit of truth. Lecturers earn their credentials and their work is vetted by their peers. If they decide a speaker is not worthy of a voice in a public university, we should support them. Let banned speakers book their own halls, pay for their own publicity. Without proper credentials they have no automatic right to a voice in the academic marketplace.