Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

No More Woke Education (2/17)

Republicans are getting to grips with the school curriculum and purging it of what they see as "woke" or "liberal and leftists tendencies" (God help our kids if they actually found out what real life is about!). According to Rep. Justin Heap, R-Mesa, parents don't want "political, sexual, gender and racial policies inputted into their school." That's going to mess up the curriculum. Othello has got to go. Can't have Iago infecting our kids' minds talking about "a black ram tupping the white ewe" that's sex, race, bestiality rolled into one. King Lear is definitely out. Politicians learning that they should "shake the superfluity to the poor to show the world more just"? Sounds like giving handouts. That's leftist socialist talk. Cut sex out of biology especially snails which are bi-sexual, everything has to be male or female. History must be studied with no references to politics, or sex or gender. Gay politicians like Edward II must never be mentioned. Burn all offending books. Slavery never happened neither did the holocaust. The ice caps are not melting. The planet is transitioning. The Republicans want the schools to be like Alice in Wonderland. They want to be your helpful Big Brother.