Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

The Phil Boas Pulpit (10/12)

Phil Boas's condemnation of the actions and words of those "grifting" "pillars of wokeness," "those social-justice warriors with their pants down and their anti-semitism fully exposed" is the type of divisive rhetoric which only creates more division. The war in the Middle East endangers world peace and is exactly what the two extremist factions, Hamas and Likud, want. Boas assumes criticism of Israel is evidence of anti-semitism. He implies that those who question the actions of Israel as they take revenge, must be the same as the voices who supported the Holocaust. This is not true. Boas' outrage has all the moral clarity of a Henry Kissinger calling for the secret bombing of Cambodia. Acts of terror and murder against civilian populations have been committed by both Israeli and Palestinian fighters. Sabra and Shatila are prime examples and Arabs are taught to remember. The enemy of Likud and Hamas is peaceful co-existence. Both sides now have what they want, casus Belli. Forget the two state solution! Forget the Saudi/Iran rapprochement! Forget peace! Now Israel can build more settlements in occupied areas, seize more Palestinian land. Palestinian refugees are unwelcome in what was once their land. Israeli settlement is encouraged. Hatred is being cemented in over dead bodies. Peace would be in all our interests. The present policy leads only to more bloodbaths.