Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Republicanism for Sale (5/24)

The Republican party in Arizona always struck me as staid and conservative but never unpleasant or demagogic. Like Democrats you felt Republicans wanted what was best for Arizona... and the resultant growth of Arizona has been steady. Roads and infrastructure, the universities all thriving, rising standards of living. The economy is doing well. Americans from elsewhere see Arizona as a place to move to, live and work and raise their children. The quiet patriotism and empathy of John McCain, Jon Kyl, Jeff Flake, Dennis DeConcinni, Mark Kelly and many others from both political camps are an inspiration. I always think of Arizonans as thoughtful independent voters not easily swayed by extremes who want what's best for the state and country. Today however, it's different. It would appear that the more extreme you are the more popular you are. Now Republicans want to kill off public transport, defund the education system, control educational content, control women's bodies. All for good reasons according to them. Some of them lie their heads off to get money and social media coverage. They lie about immigration, about the voting system no matter how many times they are proven wrong. Some support anti-semites and fascists and sadly they are believed because their supporters are too ignorant, too stupid or unable to think critically for themselves.