Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Second Language (9/08)

There an old joke about English language speakers which is beautifully exemplified by Tom Horne's resistance to dual language teaching. "If you speak three languages you're tri-lingual. If you speak two you are bi-lingual and if you speak one language you're American." The majority of education systems around the world require a second language. In Singapore you cannot attend university if you haven't reached a reasonable standard in a second language. Latest studies show that having a second language strengthens your learning and cognitive skills. Speaking Spanish should be a requirement in Arizona since it's the language spoken by our southern neighbor . More people people speak Spanish in the world than English. For whatever reasons, chauvinism, racial bias, prejudice, or pure laziness, Native English speakers seem peculiarly resistant to speaking another language when it should be a matter of graciousness and politeness and joy. I would hate ever to think Americans are too stupid to learn a second language.