Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Time For a Change (4/09)

Four letters about Trump yesterday, the only day the Arizona Republic publishes letters from readers. He would love that. Narcissists live for attention. When Trump gets attention, his loyal followers send him cash. They don't mind the taste of Snake Oil. They worship at the altar, a man who couldn't distinguish a tyrant from democratic leader, who thought you could cure Covid by drinking Clorox, who encouraged his supporters to attack the Halls of Congress and whose contribution to the economy was to form companies which went bust. He cheats at golf, treats women as disposable and his great gift is to demonstrate the maxim that a fool and his money are easily parted. Do we really want four more years of the same nonsense? Aren't there more compelling issues to publish letters about? Education? Water conservation? The effects of climate change? The dangers of right wing extremism? Personally I am Trumped Out. Let him retire to a monastery and prepare his soul to meet the Lord or whatever God he worships. No...perhaps not - that might be real news! Leave him to swelter on his gold pot. What about Cheney for first female President of the United States in 2024? Letters please!