Not content with a partially intellectually paralyzed population which happily believes all the nonsense and distortions flowing from the mouth of the ex-President and his followers, Republicans are now encouraging their already poorly educated High School graduates to ignore university and "get trained on the job." Quite right too. The last thing on earth Republicans want is an enquiring, questioning and broadly educated population which might understand what the small rich elite is doing to ensure that money is kept in their pockets.
We definitely don't want ordinary people questioning why poor people's health outlooks are so much worse than richer people's, or why there are more and more homeless on the streets. This could lead to socialism. God forbid Americans would be required to speak a foreign language or understand climate change, or have a small grasp of world history, geography, music or great literature much less have a vague understanding of the periodic table. Topics like that are for those strange egg heads in ivy league universities who are a bit weird. Now the American worker can look forward to fifty years in front of a computer working on all the mindless, repetitive, tasks which AI can't perform. Articulate? Knowledgeable? Well informed? Well read? NO! What we need according to our Republican master is obedient clones who like firing AR-15s, like pop concert, burgers, watching football and the junk served up disguised as entertainment on TV. This will make us all richer, sort of, which is all that matters! Isn't it?
Meanwhile those who do achieve financial success can live in their five bedroomed houses with an equal number of toilets to sit on surrounded by well manicured golf courses and gardens assiduously tended by subservient and smiling immigrants. After all it was white people and our ancestors who colonized this part of the world, subdued the savages, built the dams, sucked the water out of the land and brought law and order with our guns to the Wild West. We deserve all the benefits of the sacrifices they made. Only a well armed militia in the right hands can ensure we continue to rule this country and maintain our freedoms. We must also work hard to make sure our young people have as little exposure to "woke" ideas and grow up to be true patriots supporting the Republican party and its long held patriotic traditions. Nobody on earth would now believe Johnson's assertion that "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel." Patriotism is what is making America great again. That is to say Republican patriotism.
Might I humbly suggest that to prevent future problems all High School students should from now on be thoroughly tested for their levels of exposure to dangerous "woke" culture. Any student achieving a 75% score when answering the following questions should be offered a secure life time job in a successful corporation and life membership of a golf club and the Republican party.
Your Score
18 + True - a true Nazi or Trump believer
15+ True - a solid Republican
12+ True- you think Marjorie Taylor Greene is OK.
9+ True - you think Democrats are socialists
5+ True - you don't think much
3+ True - you don't care if Republicans destroy America
1 + True - you are probably a communist and need re-education camp.