Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

A Good Republican (6/05)

Phil Boas is a good Republican. Privately, as an ex-Mormon, I imagine he dislikes Trump but has to keep his mouth shut. Instead he plays defense. Like the Fox defense this involves distraction. Don't talk to the issues. Use rhetorical tricks to make x sound like y and so on. "The most intriguing of questions is actually pretty straightforward." "Most intriguing" and "actually pretty straightforward" is it? Who says? He gives the game away. That's what he wants you to think. The "intriguing" question, according to Boas, then "reverberates around the country." Does it? He sets you up with a hypothetical exaggeration. "The Democrats aren't crazy enough to throw Trump in prison, are they?" This is great stuff for the Republican faithful. Crazy Democrats throwing Trump in prison. There's old Biden grabbing Trump by the scruff of his neck dragging him off to Rikers. Reality check! Trump was found guilty on 34 counts by a jury of his peers, selected by both sides and all court procedures were observed. Trump's sentencing is a matter for the judge. That's how the American system of justice works. It's called democracy and based on the rule of law.