Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

A Rose Tinted Phil Boas (4/03)

Phil Boas's attempt to blow some air into Robert Kennedy, Jr's political balloon by extolling the wonders the the past where we "confronted" our transgressions, had the "best music," were ingeniously creative and flew to the moon etc... is a sure sign of Phil approaching old age. It's the way older people think. Everything is always much better in the past especially when you wear rose tinted spectacles. That he can write an editorial mentioning Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy and Robert Kennedy without mentioning their assassinations and fails to mention the stupidity of the Vietnam War, the disasters of the Iraq War, rivers that you could set on fire from the pollution, the horrors of lynching in the south, a murder rate (twice what it is now per head of population) or The Gulf war not to mention the Sandinistas, obviously it's time to hang up the old computer and retire gracefully. Given the disasters that happened to the Kennedy family, Robert Kennedy, Jr. is entitled to compassion for his weird ideas. The Monkees were better than the Beatles? Which convent did Phil attend? Our problem is a Republican party lurching to the right under a populist demagogue. Debate is OK.