Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Abortion (4/15)

According to Phil Boas, the Arizona Supreme Court Justices who have taken us back to an 1865 abortion law, "stood on principle and defended the limited role of the court in our form of government. You don't get to the Arizona Supreme Court if you do not have a record of accomplishment and an understanding of politics." They are, "profiles in courage" according to Boas because they knew the opposition that this would create. Nowhere does he mention that these judges were all appointees of two Republican governors and in Governor Ducey's case with the aim of appeasing supporters who wanted to overturn Roe v Wade. Nowhere does he mention that the appointment of Republican judges to the Supreme Court by Trump was the catalyst to overturning Roe v Wade. Nowhere does he mention that without Mitch McConnell's refusal to put to the vote President Obama's choice of Merrick Garland to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg on the Supreme Court, we would not be having this debate. This has nothing to do with "standing on principal" or "courage" but is all pure politics. Boas' moral justifications are just a smokescreen and not a very good one at that.