Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Am I the Only One? (3/04)

Watching the rise of Donald Trump as the Republican Party leader for the Presidency, I feel as if we are back in Germany in the late 1920s. Kristelnacht is just around the corner. Will we soon see youth camps with the children of his supporters joining patriotic organizations designed to cultivate good health, loyalty to the leader and military readiness? Will white Republicans make a stand against the morally inferior browner peoples and foreign immigrants? Will we all have to take a loyalty oath to a New Constitution drawn up by Clarence Thomas and Samual Alito. Why not? Who wants all this debate and argument? Let's fight a nuclear war with China, North Korea and Russia. Give them of dose of what they are threatening us with. Show them who's boss. I bet our nuclear missiles are better than theirs. That's my America. We're tops. So we lose a few million people and California's a nuclear wasteland but it was full of socialists in any case. We still have Florida for the orange juice. Fox News can become the official news organization of America. Won't that be a relief? No more arguing. No more debate. Get rid of the democrats. One Nation Under God marching fearlessly into the future along with Christian Fundamentalists. Poof!