Whatever the education level achieved by Senator Kern I am sure he is a loving and devout husband as well as a stout defender of the Constitution, copies of which he doubtlessly keeps next to his bed. I am sorry he didn't get the opportunity to defend the US because he was a single father of two young sons, an improvement, however, on claiming bone spurs. I realize that some Republican politicians need to raise money by saying outrageously silly things which appeal to people with more money than sense and who unfortunately never made it made to university though hopefully mastered reading and writing. I understand some Republican politicians have gone on to do well in dentistry and flown fighter jets before taking the political route to greater financial stability. That all our universities are "anti-American indoctrination camps" came as a surprise and I wondered whether Senator Kern believed this process of indoctrination started during Colonial times or goes back even further. I mistakenly thought universities are places of higher learning and research. That 35,808 of these indoctrinated students are pouring into the job market every year in Arizona is beyond alarming....