Now, at last, we have the truth about the disintegration of the Republican party and its dive into a fictitious world of imagined threats and paranoia. According to Phil Boas, a respected editorial writer, it's all the fault of the universities. This stuff is being taught there by post-modernists and post-structuralists. Our universities are packed tight with them and and they learned it all from the French. Too much Camembert and Chateau-neuf du Pape. Merde alors! It explains everything. Reason and logic have been thrown overboard. All the fake conspiracies of voter fraud, pet eating migrants in Ohio, armies of raping, crime-loving immigrants pouring over the border have been forced on the Republican Party by foreigners. This has nothing to do at all with rich, property owning white people terrified of losing their traditional control over society and the levers of power or the appallingly low levels of general education and literacy among Americans or the right wing controlled media like Fox News or the spread of stupidity on the internet where any idiot can get himself heard by millions. Post modernists are to blame for it all and must be destroyed. Put them on the list.