Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

The Bloodbath (3/20)

I would like to believe that Phil Boas is not being naive when he writes that, "The media totally distorted Trump's 'bloodbath'." Just using the word "bloodbath" is the sort of rhetorical juggling we are used to from the Trump campaign. Does Boas believe that Trump doesn't know the importance of his own rhetoric? "Oh it's just about car manufacturing!" This is the basis of populism, inflaming the people's emotions by association. Trump is verbally what Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy called "walking up to the edge" ...just saying enough for people to get the message and get publicity. He is clever at that. That Phil didn't see through this might be a genuine result of Phil's desire get it right. But then to condemn all media for bias and extend that to the Democratic party as a whole reflect his own bias and agenda. Words matter. Context matters. The voice matters. Trump is a known, proven liar. Trump got exactly what he wanted. "There's going to be a bloodbath." HELP! "Immigrants are animals" As a leading editorial writer, that Boas falls for the bait is a sad reflection of the state of journalism at The Arizona Republic. Dissenters are obviously not welcome. Democrats are only capable of "pretzel contortions." Republicans? "Machiavellian verbal sleights of hand." I think I prefer the former.