Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Boas' Weird Thinking (2/09)

Excoriating Sinema for her efforts to bring about some sort of collective agreement about immigration and the chaos at the border then blaming Democrats for causing the problem in the first place, comes right out of the Boas personal Republican playbook. Forget four years of Trumpian xenophobia and the idiocy of his wall philosophy, ignore the fact that immigration may have helped keep our economic heads above water and contributed to one of the highest growth rates in the last twenty years, forget that the causes of mass migration may have their roots in Mexico and the countries south of the border, according to Boas a Republican President is going to solve the problem. Oh Yes? Like before? What else does Phil Boas want us all to forget? January 6th? Trump's flirtation with Putin and Kim Jong Un, packing the judiciary with his supporters, hounding non Maga supporting Republicans out of contention, and threatening dictatorship not to mention the million lies? Sweep all that aside and blame the Democrats. If America goes down the tube under another Trump administration, we will know who to come to for support and intelligent advice. God Help us. If American democracy survives.