The Republican red mini-wave was successful. Why would large numbers of intelligent people vote for a President who tried to overturn an election in 2020, was convicted of rape, and lied so often to the public most commentators lost count and who now threatens revenge on his political enemies and is appointing hucksters and fellow travelers to some of America's highest offices? The answer is that Republicans are one step ahead of Democrats and know that for a majority of Americans, idealism doesn't count for anything. What is important is money and the general consensus is that people with money must be better than those without it. How Congress works, its arcane methods of controlling the legislature is too much. Protect democracy? Not an issue. Republicans rail against education and learning except when it comes to the economy. Getting a degree is about getting the job with the big bucks. The better the bucks the better the "value" of the degree. Being "educated" in the founding fathers' "sense" is not a priority. Business, the media, commerce, and industry are right behind. Whoever can make the biggest amount of bucks without going to prison is King. Idealism? Pouf!