Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Defend Spermatozoa (3/01)

The Alabama Supreme Court has shown us the way. By ruling that a frozen embryo should be considered a child, they have challenged us all to respect the origins of life. Now that this decision has been reached, we must take it further and start to outlaw frozen sperm. If a frozen embryo is a person then a single spermatozoa must be treated in the same way. All spermatozoa must be protected because they are children, they are the future, they are American citizens. Too many American males in this society treat their spermatozoa with nonchalance, little understanding their importance and that they are people. Though there may be many with each ejaculation, each spermatozoa must be considered a child, a living being and protected by law. Men who cast their seed in the air, on the ground or into a handkerchief must be deemed killers and treated as such. Thankfully God has shown the Alabama Supreme Court the way forward. Masturbation must be against the law and prosecuted appropriately. Those destroying their spermatozoa or freezing them should suffer the supreme penalties of the law. Death. We must make this a vital issue in the coming elections. All life is precious.