Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Doubts About the Politics of the Arizona Republic (6/11)

If you want to rise to the dizzy heights of paid editorial writer for The Arizona Republic, there are rules to be followed. Always focus on the weaknesses of Democrats. Go for any spots of blood you can find. Their leader is old, incompetent, doddery and he mumbles. The economy is crumbling. Murders are up. Immigration is a mess. Nothing works. Even though the Republican candidate is about the same age, and talks inflammatory gibberish, do not mention him or the gibberish. Compare Arizona to California, particularly its socialist policies like upping the basic wage. Confirm it will make their state bankrupt. The Arizona Republic used to be called The Arizona Republican so you must show loyalty. Do NOT mention the successful economy. Keep away from educational handouts to rich parents going to the schools you helped create. Public education is bad and full of left leaning woke teachers. Avoid the Israeli/Palestinian mess. Most Arizonans don't care or understand. Send your contributions to Phil Boas and Jon Gabriel who, if they agree with you, might publish you.