Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Doug Ducey Leaves His Mark (4/11)

It is comforting to know that Doug Ducey's tenure of the Governorship left its mark. Forget the thousands of extra deaths from Covid as result of his policies but remember that his appointments to the Arizona Supreme Court have helped to push us back to the 19th century. A notable achievement. It is also important to remember that as in the past, it is men who should control women's bodies. They are after all the fathers and their sexual congress with women brings forth the next generation. The ridiculous idea that women should control their own bodies and have power over their reproductive lives is unGodly. Men should make the crucial decision for women. Let's get us back to the 1860s with posses and lynchings and proper brothels where a man can go and relax and have a drink and his needs catered to. So a few native American women sometimes got raped when the men got themselves over excited. That's life. Thankfully now the Supreme Court is made up of Republicans and luckily only two women. Remember the Bible teaches us God created Adam then Eve from one of his ribs as a way to keep Adam happy and entertained. This is the way God meant it to be. Thank you Doug Ducey.