Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Editorial Chokehold (10/25)

The Head of Editorials at the L.A. Times resigned and Robert Kagan of the WP also resigned because the owners, the rich men, don't want their newspapers to indicate a preference in the coming election. They should learn from the heavy duty editors of the AZ Republic, Burton and Boas, who weave their Republican magic over the verbal niceties of editorial content while lower ranked editorial heads bow their heads deferentially. There must be no democratic infection seeping up under the floorboards to destroy the Republican charge for the presidency. Democrats must be defined as socialist, foul-mouthed deviants intent on destroying the peace and order of the state, tottering as it is under the weight of migrants armed to the teeth looting the malls and teaming up with the homeless to destroy America. Let's keep the money flowing to the rich so that they can buy bigger houses, with more bathrooms and toilets and garages. If there weren't rich people what would poorer people have to aim for to make their lives meaningful and keep them working in tedious hum drum jobs? Praise be to good foreign immigrants, like Murdoch and Musk, looters-in-chief who show us all the way. Amen.