Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

How To Be A Good Republican Pundit (6/01)

If you are a Republican who gets paid to write for a newspaper, you need to use all the rhetorical devices at your command. Jon Gabriel is adept at using the same strategies used by Fox News. There are rules you have to follow. Rule 1: Distract. Mention a fact like Trump's felony conviction then change the subject immediately. Rule 2: Make unverifiable dramatic assumptions e.g "The White House is having a full blown freak-out." Rule 3: Throw in obvious generalizations, i.e., "Things cost too much." Rule 4: Choose old unverifiable statistics to suit your argument. "The cost of dining out is up 22% since 2021." Where? Who? How was that calculated? Rule 5: Get technical especially on subjects most of us know nothing about. Insurance has gone up 11.3% (All those insured flooded or burned houses, sunken ships, disasters from the effects of global warming have to be paid for.) Rule 6: Ignore unfavorable facts, e.g, Trump tax cuts are costing us all dearly. Rule 7: Remind everyone everything's going to hell in a handbasket. Some things never change. Rule 8: Ignore any good news. Life is quite good for most of us. Wages are up. Employment up. Stock market up. Is that bad news as well?