Strange that in America, newspapers rarely discuss the benefits of immigration. "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free" is carved into the base of the Statue of Liberty but nobody ever adds, "So that we all can be better off than we were." People move to another country to be financially secure, have a better education and future for their children. It's happening across the world. Political freedom is the icing on the cake. In the US, politicians echo people's sense of alarm, the same which echoed through the centuries when people crossed from one river valley to the next. The fear? "New people will take away our living, destroy our way of life and undermine our safety." Native Americans may well have thought the same but they were bulldozed into submission by shear numbers. In our democracy politicians press the immigration alarm button. Nobody dares whisper, "Immigration in the past has always made us more prosperous, safer and more powerful." "The budget office estimates that the immigration surge will add about 2 percent to real GDP by the end of 2034." One person, however, suggests immigrants are barely human.