For sixty years wars between Israel and their enemies have raged, bringing bloodshed and death. Each conflict enlarges the area that Israel controls. land once belonging to Palestine. This is the aim of Likud and Israeli Nationalists like Netanyahu. Ever since the foundation of Israel, they have believed they must occupy the whole of the ancient kingdom of Judea. It's the land given to them by God. Theirs is a step-by-step gradual process over time. Sharing it would be an anathema. Each generation picks up the torch. Anyone who thinks the latest episode in Gaza is a temporary episode in the conflict rather than a consequence of long term Israeli goals is seriously mistaken. They don't care how many Palestinians they kill or keep poor, locked up and oppressed. Wall them as in the West Bank and Gaza. Make them angry. Stop them building houses, give the army a free hand to intimidate them. Deprive them of their dignity. Encourage Jewish immigration and build housing for them. A simple formula. They have no intention of making peace or stopping. If they don't get what they want, they blame antisemitism.