Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Let the Madness Begin (11/8)

I have to laugh because that is my nature. I remain optimistic whatever happens, which borders the line between naivety and stupidity. Another Trump presidency! Another four years of BS. Another four years of outright stupidity as we rock from crisis to crisis, horror to horror. The Donald will be in a mood to kill and he has the power... well almost... When you treasure the ideal of American democracy and it's given over legitimately to a man who has about as much compassion and intellect as a dying walrus and he is aided and abetted by sycophantic, self-seeking, atavistic morons whose only interest is self-aggrandizement and money, the survival of the world is at stake. We now have enemies who must be destroyed. Immigrants! The Chinese! Foreigners? Destroy them. Clean up the planet, or at least our bit of it. Make America Great... again... or again. (I would love to know what a "great Again America" looks like). Women must now learn to be good housewives and smooth the sheets ready to be loved by their hard working, truck driving, gun toting husbands. This Brave New World. Let's thank our education system and our press which by their silence allowed ignorance to flourish.