Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Lies are Death (4/10)

Watching the Republican Party's political antics as we approach elections, is a bit like watching a samurai warrior committing suicide and trying decide on the right point on his stomach to plunge in the knife. Of course he would then have to twist the knife, pull it up and then across. Challenging. "Lies are death" wrote Joseph Conrad in Heart of Darkness. Lake lies through her teeth. Many hardline Republicans lie through their teeth. Because they repeat the lies so often they believe them. If enough of their supporters believe them and keep sending them money then it must be the "truth". Right? Trump, their leader, lies so often even the journalists can't keep track. Clearly fear of after-life consequences is not a problem. Who cares about Eternal damnation or Dante's 4th circle of Hell? It's only a problem for those who have souls. The Ten Commandments? Not a problem. In any case they are written in archaic language. Adultery? False witness? Stealing? Covetousness? Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Get the chicks and the money and sue your opponents. If you've got the dough, on you go. And on we go. All of us. Eventually we're all postscript. Thank goodness.