Oscar Wilde once said, "There's only one thing worse that being talked about and that's not being talked about." Trump should put it on his coat of arms. He loves the limelight. Revels in it. And his supporters lap it all up. Any old lies. His main object? Put the wind up them. Frighten them. "Democrats suck the blood of newborn children." "Biden eats placenta for breakfast." "The White House is full of extra terrestial homosexuals planning to destroy America." etc., etc. Then he tells everyone what he will do when elected which of course he won't. According to him he will be the people's savior, the new risen Christ. He will rescue the United America, cure all its ills, get rid of all the problems. Of course he won't but it it sounds good and the faithful lap it all up. He's good at it. The rich send him money because they know it will be a bonanza for them if he's elected like the last time. His faithful supporters believe him. They trust him. They never look under the hood at the engine, the moral grime, the greed, the hunger to get one over people. Make the deal. Sadly some honest Americans believe what they see and hear.