When Phil Boas, in his defense of Tom Horne, calls Arizona Public Schools "creatures of the left," you wonder about HIS critical thinking skills. To use the word "creatures" suggests our schools are full of subhuman socialist teachers lying in wait to prey on the innocent. It's insulting. He calls for the need to teach critical thinking skills but completely ignores that Tom Horne's thesis that schools are awash with the supposed anti-Jewish propaganda of Amnesty International is totally unfounded as his own newspaper has reported. When discussing political, historical or scientific theories, critical thinking skills require you to look at both sides and to weigh the evidence. I see no evidence of Phil doing that but rather just another of his "left bashing" exercises. If it's not High Schools, it's universities. It's amazing that his critical thinking skills don't stretch to weighing Trump's lies about the numbers at his rally in NY, or his failure to testify in his court case, or the fiasco of Lake's candidacy for Senate or the weird Republican politicians in Arizona inspired by fascist propaganda. Selective thinking which pushes one set of values is NOT critical thinking.