Listening to John Oliver's dissection of Project 2025, the conservative playbook for taking over the US Government and turning the US into a state controlled by "loyal" Republicans, was troubling. In places it is the antithesis of everything that our democracy stands for. It pushes a blue print for seizing and holding power, echoing ideas of the National Socialist Party which supplanted the Weimar Republic in 1933. Donald Trump's siren call labelling anyone who disagrees with him as "woke" or "the radical left" adds fuel to the authoritarian fire Republicans are trying to light. Suggesting there's a vast class of people who are "vermin" and appealing to hatred and division, Trump echoes the language and political rhetoric of the Nazi Party which blamed Jews and Socialists. Trump claims the idea of transgender is new. Read history. Camps on the border for illegals sounds like an opening move toward concentration camps. By requiring political loyalty from a vast swathe of government employees, we will be on the road to political dictatorship, Putin style. Project 2025 is entitled Mandate for Leadership when it is in part a Mandate for the Death of Democracy in America.