Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Reds in the Bed? (4/09)

The Reds are no longer under the bed. They're IN the bed and guess who they're in the bed with? Yes. You're right. It's the Republican Party. How do we know? Because the Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, told us so. "Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it's infected a good chunk of my party's base." But please do not mention this to the loyal members of the Republican Party here in Arizona. Here The Arizona Republic, a loyal follower of the Party line, keeps the lid on any nasty rumors or innuendoes which might inflame partisanship. God forbid the newspaper should try to protect the country from outside communist interference or defend those fighting for democracy. So Russian trolls are stoking anti-Ukraine sentiment, promoting American isolationism and stirring fears about the border. Tut Tut. Big deal! Naughty, naughty commies. What will they think of next? Meanwhile Reps like Gosar and Biggs can't work out whether they support Hitler or Putin such is their political and moral confusion. Only in America. Senator McCarthy where are you? Ignore Hollywood. Focus on Arizona. Please.