It is interesting to note that Germany's shift to the right largely involves supporters in the old East Germany. After WW2, West Germany incorporated mandatary classes on Nazism into the schools' curriculum. Students have to watch graphic film of the Holocaust, and the rallies at Nuremberg, of the Nazi Party burning books and the persecution of Jews as well as film of their grandparents forced to walk through the concentration camps to bear witness to the piles of corpses. Students in East Germany didn't have to follow such a course. What wonder then that many Americans with little exposure to the effects of fascism listen and even support Trump's talk about being "strong, and American" hating and locking up immigrants and copying the same hateful anti-Jewish, anti-communist propaganda that Germans succumbed to in the 1930s. Trump supporters wrap themselves in the flag, believing Trump is a strong figure who will lead the country to success. Many young Americans have just never been taught the consequences of right wing ideology. They don't know. The lessons of the Normandy landing have not been handed down. The US rescued Europe and Asia from fascism. If Trump succeeds who will rescue America?