Thanks to organizations like, finding out about the lies, distortions, and misinformation promoted by politicians and news agencies is possible, though time consuming. Nor does either group appear willing to apologize when their biases are exposed. News agencies usually lean to one side or other of the political spectrum. Much depends on their readership. Some, like our own Arizona Republic, publish editorials and commentary from both left and right. Phil Boas, ex-editor openly flies the Republican flag. When describing the "left," his choice of language suggests it is a radical threat. To him Donald Trump may be a demagogue, but he "punches the new and more activist left hard" which sounds like a good thing. "The Democratic Party had grown more aggressive and more socialist" and is "on a mission to destroy American conservatism" and Republicans are under "the unrelenting assault of Democratic socialists." For him, socialism, the radical left is a threatening menace to America. Most Western democracies, however, are socialist. If you are going to have a society which caters to the needs of all its citizens and not just a minority makes sense. Doesn't it?