Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Sophistry Par Excellence (12/14)

Phil Boas has outdone himself. He argues that because Trump is a loose cannon with regard to foreign policy and ignorant of the arts of diplomacy with little or no knowledge of history and because countries around the world are scrambling to protect themselves from the possibility of his strange and unpredictable foreign policy decisions, he will somehow do a good job. A bit like arguing that Caligula did a good job when he avoided the expense of invading Britain by ordering his soldiers to collect seashells. I assume Zelensky has a pistol by his bedside. Trump was the man who freed the Taliban and unleashed them back into Afghanistan laying the groundwork for a disaster compounded by Biden's withdrawal. Ask Afghan women how pleased they are with that decision. Because Trump only knows the "art of the deal," Kim and Xi and Putin and other tyrants will run rings round him simply because he is vain, narcissistic and not very intelligent. Americans think Trump will keep them safe. Good luck with that. How safe did he keep them from Covid? Once established norms have been turned upside down, what will be left of America once the storm has passed? Interesting question.