Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

The Center Cannot Hold (1/17)

Does Donald Trump's success is Iowa say anything about America? What are the wider implications of voting for someone who clearly wants to destroy the democratic process, tried once unsuccessfully and is trying again. Here is an immoral man who makes no bones about his contempt for the law and the political processes of this country, who mocks those who challenge him, who has as much human warmth and sympathy as an alligator in a Florida swamp. What does his possible return to power say about us? Are we Trump? Has he tapped into our insecurities. That he is powerful and rich and can do what he wants impresses people. He's the King Kong of American politics. the new Caesar of capitalism. Democracy requires thought, the weighing of alternatives, debate, knowledge and here is someone who takes all the doubt away, removes any need for discussion and appears to have the answers, solve society's ills. Yeat's poem comes to mind "Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, / The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere / The ceremony of innocence is drowned; / The best lack all conviction, while the worst / Are full of passionate intensity."