Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

The Legacy of Gaza (6/07)

This is the seventh war Israel has fought against its Arab neighbors since 1947. The prospects for peace are now negligible. The destruction of Gaza and deaths of 35,000 Palestinians and over 1,000 Israelis guarantee that. Anger smolders in the occupied West Bank. Hatreds are entrenched, nursed in the quiet of homes. And the stories are told. Israeli Arabs shake their heads and look to the ground. Israel knows how to make war, has the money, the means and the support to do so. It is not interested in making peace. Neither side is. Too much blood has been spilled. Too much anger under the surface. Arabs are taught to see history differently to Westerners. In their minds the humiliation of the 1st Crusade was last week. The retaking of Jerusalem by Salah ad-Din three days ago, The Intifada was yesterday. The deaths of 35,000 in Gaza will remain in the now for a long time. Israel talks only in the language of revenge. Peace is possible but only by dragging both sides to the negotiation table. Their antagonisms and fighting are a danger to world peace.