Phil Boas highlighting last Saturday's deserved and exciting victory of the US Olympic basketball team should not blind us to the achievements of the majority of other Olympic athletes. Our Olympic basketball players get paid a total of $1.7 billion to perform. Not a bad salary for skillfully bouncing a rubber ball back and forth on a wooden floor and popping it into the basket more times than their opponents! The vast majority of athletes in the 32 sports receive squat, get their board and lodging, travel and a stipend and sponsorship if lucky. They do it for the joy of the sport, representing their country, entertaining us in the process. NBC, who buys the rights, makes vast profits interrupting our enjoyment with interminable advertisements and commentary from employees with nice voices and inane observations. (I unpatriotically switched to the advertisement free BBC.) All, however, may not be well for US basketball in the future as NBA's trawling world wide for tall people to play in the US could undermine US dominance of the sport as Serbia and France nearly proved this time. For me, the smiling female GB heavy weight lifter stole the whole show with her bronze medal.