Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

The Party of Fear (2/23)

Elections are coming up. After four years we exercise our democratic rights according to the Constitution. Democrats and Republicans duke it out. What's our choice at the ballot box? The democrats have an old leader whose spindly walk barely supports his tired squinting eyes. Democrats just want more of the same, good government, choice, democracy, justice, decent education, a woman's right to control her own body etc. All that old stuff. Republicans though have a leader, a man who can rescue America, armed with super sneakers and magic bone spurs, he is setting the country right. He's ringing the bell of liberty. His warnings are clear. Armies of immigrants full of violent desperadoes intent on sodomizing and raping our women and children are marching on America from the south so we need more, bigger, better walls. Communists have invaded the universities brainwashing our young. The government is full of transvestite homosexuals pushing private agendas and all the judges are biased and prejudiced. He is the living proof. God Bless America. Please vote. We have nothing to fear but fear itself and fear is what makes the Republican party strong.