Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

They Have All Our Details But Have They Got Us? (6/21)

The use of AI was going to either destroy society or transform it. Now, like a damp squib, it has arrived, is being used and either I have been transformed into an algorithm and don't know it, or everything has been taken over and I am living in a digital world doing roughly what I was doing before - or at least have the sensation of doing roughly that. Perhaps the Russians and Chinese have already taken over, Elon Musk has been declared master of the universe and now it's only a matter of time before he switches off anyone who voted Democrat or stood in his way. Quite honestly it doesn't seem too bad. I still get the BBC and PBS. I can still read The Washington Post and NYT, read the books I want to read, watch old movies on The Criterion Channel, and enjoy the European Cup. Thank God nobody will force me to watch the Biden/Trump debate, though the use of the word "debate" might be optimistic. I am looking forward to voting, which I think means that AI might not have reached me yet, since I avoid social media like the plague it is. When you listen to Marjorie Green or Ron DeSantis or our own Paul Gosar, a little input of some intelligence, artificial or otherwise, might be most welcome.