Three human failings could guarantee the end of civilization as we know it. First is the failure to add 1 + 1 and make 2 or to think logically and act on new knowledge. For example: Burning fossil fuels increases CO2 in the atmosphere warming the seas, changing the climate and bringing greater and greater catastrophes for life on earth. For over twenty years scientists have provided an ever growing mountain of evidence detailing the consequences of ignoring the facts. Another failing is the willingness of human beings to go to their deaths because they believe themselves to be right and want to convince others. From Christian martyrs, to vaccination deniers these people prefer death. The third failing is fractiousness or quarrelsomeness. It's built into us biologically probably for good reasons. 70-80% of Americans classify their families as dysfunctional. Include racial hostilities and territorial conflict and together with more effective ways of killing each other - nuclear weapons instead of clubs and bows and arrows - you have the perfect recipe massive slaughter. We are clever creatures, good at adapting and as I walked down into The Grand Canyon last week, through the layers of sediment put down over millions of years I was reminded that we are temporary.