Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Time for Republicans to Find Their Spines/Balls/Ovaries (5/14)

Haven't we all put up with this Trump nonsense for long enough? Give us all a break. Let him go have all the women willing to have sex with him, cheat at golf, eat his burgers, marry an Ivanka look-a-like and pretend to be ruler of the world and everything in it but just at Mar-a-Lago. At present The Republican Party is like Neville Chamberlain's faction which had to give way to Churchill so that democracy could be saved in 1941. The Party now needs to reassemble its forces, reject everything that Trump represents and stand for the real Republican Party. There's a core of good men and women - Cheney, McConnell, Sununu, Christie, Pence, Walsh, Kinzinger, Romney, Barr, Bardella. Let's give some dignity back to the Republican Party. Russia is moving into Ukraine like Hitler moved into Austria. Appeasement is not the answer. Putin, the autocrat, like XI, sees democracy as weak. When America and its Western Allies strike back against fascism and communism, they need to be united as they were after Pearl Harbor. Meantime Maga politicians need to understand "You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. In the name of God, go." Let have a proper coup at the Conference.