For over thirty years the scientists and climatologists and those who actually read stuff have been reciting in unison, "Burning fossil fuels at ever increasing rates will eventually make the human way of life on this planet untenable." Some people paid attention. "Let's have electric cars." "Let's have wind farms." Problem solved? "But if we are to to stay a top country we need to be energy independent so we must keep drilling, we must keep digging, we must keep extracting fossil fuels. After all, we've survived this far." Meanwhile the seas and the skies warm. Currents change course. Glaciers melt. Ice caps melt. Ooooops. Do we have a problem? "Houston? Do you hear me? Do you hear us? The Earth has a problem." Sorry earth. Nobody out here. Just billions of miles of dark matter with occasional explosions in between. Nobody to rescue you I'm afraid. "Oh dear! You mean the universe doesn't give a sh** if our nice little blue planet goes phut?" Just die you stupid mammalian shit-shovellers. You had your chance. Go talk to the dinosaurs. "Pity about the children. Never really got a chance."