Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

What's Wrong with Our Young Men? (2/27)

Jon Gabriel's plea for more support for disillusioned and academically underperforming young American males so that his daughters have appropriate partners touched my heart. His analysis is correct though the outlook is far bleaker that he suggests. Blaming male confusion and academic failure solely on the educational system, ignores the fact that this is a failure of the culture. Traditionally in an American male-dominated society, being a wife, mother and housekeeper was the standard role. Educating women and allowing them to control their fertility has given them equality and they have taken the reins. The horse, or the mare, is out of the stable. The more women take over significant roles in the economy, men have less and less function. Sperm banks? Today's male role model is someone who is mega rich, has numerous wives, ex- or otherwise, owns a plane, multiple houses with multiple bathrooms and a garage full of cars. America believes in winners and losers. Young males in High School believe if they are not on the football or basketball team they are somehow losers. Succeeding academically is not noteworthy. The Republic publishes High School sports not academic excellence.