Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Fly free as air
On gilded wings of love.
Only then can the mind be open
Only by choice however small
Can the will be served
And achievement wash
In its own true sense of self.

Don't think, my love, but look
At the beauty of the world
The oceans and the waves, the storms
And mighty power of rock
Hurtling across the universe
Mountains towering
Trees bending to the wind
Fields stretching to the horizon

Do not let the locks and vises
Of the mind squeeze out the moment.
Break them open, untie the bonds.
The real world is a world of dreams
Each trying to understand the other.

All you need is that moment.
All you need is the risk.
Flutter those youthful wings
Launch into your first flight
Where the sparrow hawk hungrily watches
And the grackle is ready to predate
And know that at the edge of life is beauty.
Neither safety nor walls will help you
And only in the flight
Carried on the wind
Into the blue and into the light
Will take you
To your joy.