They came to this place in an ancient time
From a land bridge far to the north.
They hunted the birds, fish and fowl
And lined their homes with moss.
They perfected their lives and society
Built cities from nothing but rocks,
They worshipped the sky and the eagle
Broke open the stars' moving locks.
Moonbreak and the living time
Some wandered, some stayed or moved,
Saw the mystery as nothing but life,
Wrote circles on rock and petroglyphs,
Knew happiness, birth and grief.
They buried their dead with kindness
Knew that life could be short and hard,
Sheltered at noon from the sunshine
And drank from the stream after dark.
Moonbreak and the living time
When men from the east began to arrive
They defended themselves with pride
Lay down by the streams that had nurtured them
Breathed their last breath and died.
The gun and the sword were new to them
Arrows and spears were their skill.
Thought the gods they loved had left them
But believed this was all part of their will
Moonbreak and the living time
The new men had science behind them
Could calculate time with their clocks.
Thought nature a system to master
Knowledge was power so they thought
And soon they were many, their cities grew tall
They tore up the land and the earth
Built dams and power stations, canals and roads
Used the forces that had given life birth.
Moonbreak and the living time
The universe laughed, the stars shed tears
The earth held its nose and then coughed.
The little blue marble got back to work
And decided enough was enough.
'Let's drown a few million and sicken some more.
Let's see what they do just for fun.
We gave them a chance and a beautiful place
Now this is the end of their run.'
Moonbreak and the living time
Hear the wind in the trees, the sea on the shore
Feel the warmth against your face.
Know tempest and sun, moonshine and time
Know beauty was part of this place.
Life will go on, the stars will still shine
The planets go round and then round
But after a while there will come a time
When men will no longer be found.
Moonbreak and the living time
Break heart, break heart for the sights you see
For the glory of earth in her prime
The ice caps are steadily melting,
What humans have done is a crime.
The ruins are there, the bones in the soil
They're coming to the end of their time
Their brains were too small and too fragile
Now they've come to the end of their line.
Moonbreak and the living time